email: info@weightonwoldscic.co.uk
tel: 01430 819698
Weighton Wolds Community Interest Company
We ARE currently accepting donations

Grant Applications (Currently Open)
FAQS (Frequently Asked Questions!)
Q: Do we have to be a registered charity to apply for a grant?
A: No. Any not for profit clubs, groups and small charities can apply. The organisation must be offering some benefit to the local community and be non profit.
Q: I have never applied for a grant before where do I start?
A: We are happy to provide help we suggest you start by reading the Frequently Asked Questions. If you are still unsure please give us a call on 01430 819698 and we can have a chat and discuss how best to proceed.
Q: How many grants are available?
A: Obviously this amount will vary depending on how busy the shop has been but we aim to be distributing at least £2000-£3000 per month. To be able to offer groups as much share as possible we are currently setting a limit of £500 per application. If your application is more than this please ring us to discuss before applying.
Q: What sort of projects do you offer grants for?
A: We prefer to provide grants for items or equipment, products, sports kit, day trips, plants or trees etc.
Q: What do you NOT offer grants for?
A: We don't offer grants for general expenses, staff costs/wages, running costs, or anything that is not specific.
Q: Do you need to see quotes for what we hope to purchase?
A: Yes if possible, we can consider your application quicker with this information attached.
Q: Who decides which organisations will get a grant?
A: The directors decide the grant rewards.
Q: What do you expect from us in return if we are successful?
A: We would like to see photos of how the grant has used so we can share them to our website and social media (this makes us very happy!).
Q: How will we receive payment if we are successful?
A: Funds will be transferred by BACS into the groups bank account. We will request your bank details to do this if you are successful. We cannot make payments to a personal bank account.
Q: Can we reapply if we are unsuccessful?
A: YES! We would love to be able to help every group that applies, but we can only distribute what profits we have for each round of applications. So if you are unsuccessful please wait a few months and apply again. (Smaller grants would be more likely to be accepted)
Q: Can we apply again after we have received a grant?
A: Yes you can, but we we ask that you wait at least 3-4 months between successful applications.